1 Female Adult Killed in 2-Vehicle, Head-On Crash in Simi Valley

Simi Valley, Ventura County, CA: A female adult was trapped inside a vehicle and died at the scene of a head-on traffic collision late Thursday evening.

Gabriel Pabon / KNN

Simi Valley police officers and the Ventura County Fire Department responded to a two-vehicle, head-on crash in the 1600 block of Cochran Street in the city of Simi Valley just after 8:00 p.m., Mar. 30.

The sole occupant of one of the vehicles, a silver Scion, was found pinned inside and was pronounced deceased at the scene after first responders attempted aid to the victim.

Police Commander Craig Dungan with the Simi Valley Police Department interviewed at the scene by Key News Network, said the driver of the Scion is currently identified as a female adult with no further information available.

The identity of the deceased female driver will not be released until next of kin is notified.

The driver and passenger of the second vehicle involved, a white Mazda, had only minor injuries; one of which was taken to a local hospital, however, it is believed those injuries are minor, according to Dungan.

SVPD later reported that the driver and passenger of the Mazda were both male juveniles.

Preliminary investigation based on some witness statements, indicates that the gray Scion which was traveling westbound on Cochran Street, crossed over the double yellow line into oncoming eastbound traffic and collided head-on with the white Mazda, according to Dungan. “It’s the only information we have right now,” he said.

Dungan stated both vehicles sustained major collision damage.

The investigation is ongoing. No further information is available at this time.

Anyone with information regarding this collision is urged to contact the Simi Valley Police Department at (805) 583-6950 and ask to speak with Senior Officer White.

Gabriel Pabon, Video Journalist / KNN

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