HANCOCK PARK, LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20 (KNN) — The Los Angeles Police Department’s Wilshire Division officers were involved in a shooting in the 6100 block of Oakwood Avenue in Hancock Park Wednesday evening.

According to LAPD Detective Meghan Aguilar at the scene, LAPD Wilshire Division Gang Enforcement officers went into pursuit around 8:47 p.m. for a possible burglary suspect vehicle. That vehicle turned onto Oakwood and was eastbound on Oakwood from June when it reached the end of a cul-de-sac. The vehicle made a U-turn and was then facing directly at the officers. At that time, an officer-involved shooting occurred.
The suspect vehicle continued past the officers, and additional police resources continued the pursuit.
The pursuit ended at Beverly and Wilton when the suspect vehicle was involved in a traffic collision with an innocent motorist. At that time, the suspect was taken into custody.
The adult female occupant of the vehicle that was struck was transported to the hospital with minor injuries. The apprehended suspect was uninjured and taken to a local police station, according to Aguilar.
This incident involves multiple scenes, which are under investigation. Force Investigation detectives are conducting the officer-involved shooting investigation along with the Oakwood location and Beverly and Wilton.
Aguilar revealed that at least one additional suspect fled the vehicle prior to the traffic collision. That suspect is currently outstanding.
The circumstances that led to the officer-involved shooting are not yet known until the officers are interviewed.
Jason Stilwell, Video Journalist / KNN
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