Loss of Power on Metro Red Line Plunges Passengers into Darkness

Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA: An eastbound Metro Red Line subway train had just departed from the Hollywood/Highland station when it lost power with several dozen passengers aboard early Saturday morning, Feb. 4, just after midnight.

Gabriel Pabon / KNN

The train was due next at the Hollywood/Western station, but stopped due to power loss somewhere in between the two stations without the ability to contact anyone on the outside.

The Los Angeles Fire Department and reps from LA Metro walked down to the train and made contact.

All passengers were evacuated and had to walk down a catwalk to the Hollywood/Western station.

Danny Madellin who spoke briefly to Key News Network at the scene, was riding on the subway when “everything blacked out.”

Madellin stated it was “quite a big walk, but not that bad.” He said the walk took approximately 20 minutes and was possibly as long as a mile.

Firefighter/paramedics came prepared to treat patients, but it is currently unknown if there were any injures or if anyone was transported from the scene.

Gabriel Pabon, Video Journalist / KNN

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