Mid-City, Los Angeles, CA: The Los Angeles Fire Department pulled off a dramatic rescue of a victim trapped in a crashed vehicle down inside a concrete river basin Wednesday night.

Two men were rescued from the basin after crashing their vehicle through a dead end street.
The incident was reported at 9:55 p.m., Mar. 15, on the 1700 block of Carmona Avenue in the Mid-City neighborhood of Central Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles Fire Department arrived at the scene and found a single, overturned SUV in the wash with one victim who had self-extricated from the vehicle, and a second victim still trapped inside.
Firefighters gained access to the victims via ladder placed down into the basin. The victim who self-extricated was able to safely climb out by using the ladder.
Firefighters made quick access to the trapped victim and used a rescue basket to lift the patient up to the roadway.
With the patient secured, the suspended basket was slowly hoisted from the concrete basin and gently lowered to firefighters above with a gurney.
The patient was then loaded into a waiting ambulance and transported in unknown condition to a local hospital by LAFD.
The cause of the collision is not currently known, but the Los Angeles Police Department’s West Traffic Division will be handling the investigation.
Zak Holman, Video Journalist / KNN
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