Wesley Health Opens New Clinic in Lancaster

LANCASTER, CA, Aug. 12 (KNN) — Wesley Health Centers has opened a new health care clinic this past week for the Antelope Valley community.

Anthony Cheval / KNN

Al Ballesteros CEO for JWCH Wesley Health Centers, Lancaster City Mayor R. Rex Parris and Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger who has been working with Wesley for approximately 30 years, were just a few VIP’s at Thursday’s ribbon cutting ceremony at Wesley’s newest facility in Lancaster (North Los Angeles County). The facility will provide medical, dental, optical and mental health services to low income families in a much needed area.

Key News Network interviewed L.A. County Supervisor Barger who said being at the ceremony was a celebration of the fact that Wesley is truly a community clinic that represents the community that they serve. Barger feels all that the clinic will offer that includes eye exams, dental, behavioral health, substance abuse…is a holistic approach to the whole person.

Barger said she heard someone say “This is the nicest clinic in L.A. County,” Barger said she concurs and “expected no less from Wesley, but also no less for the Antelope Valley.”

The clinic is for those who have no insurance as well as the underinsured. Barger expressed the importance of preventative health care and the clinic is the opportunity to get that care.

Wesley Health Centers’ CEO Al Ballesteros, also interviewed by KNN, said the health center is being set up and expanded in a community where it is considered one of the lower health access communities in the state of California.

“What that leads to is lesser health outcomes, it means individuals that need to see a doctor, see a dentist, to see a mental health practitioner don’t have access. And so this health center represents an expansion of services especially for people that are low income, individuals who have no insurance, individuals that are underserved,” said Ballesteros.

The website for Wesley Health Centers can be found at jwchinstitute.org to schedule an appointment.

Anthony Cheval, Video Journalist / KNN

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